quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2011

Of Light and Magic...

"Albus Dumbledore found what he was looking for in his inside pocket. It seemed to be a silver cigarette lighter. He flicked it open, held it up in the air, and clicked it. The nearest street lamp went out with a little pop. He clicked it again - the next lamp flickered into darkness. Twelve times he clicked the Put-Outer, until the only lights left on the whole street were two tiny pinpricks in the distance, which were the eyes of the cat watching him."

I must admit that when I started reading Harry Potter it read like any fantasy book I had read before. Even the owls flying like mad or the cat reading a map didn't make me click.

The first signal was given by the weird man in the long robes stealing the light from the streetlamps – there was something there. Stealing light was a godlike (or demon-like…) action. Only Gods and Demons were capable of doing so.

I was captured.

I remember reading the book in a wink - after all it was just a children’s book - but it had put a definite spell on me.
I know it had all the necessary ingredients to be accepted – the orphan child, the wicked family with whom he lived in servitude, the kind heart despite all the hatred, the enchanting castle and the brotherhood of friends, the enemies and the bullying, the loneliness, the loss, the death, but also the shared happiness, the self discovery and the hint of hope, the final recognition (“…mirror, mirror on the wall…”) and victory over evil. Over death.

These same signals are present in every story we read or were told when we were children – Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty (no, they were not written or invented by Walt Disney!)… - as well as in complex sagas like The Lord of the Rings.
Nothing new? Obviously not.

But it works. It tells about values like friendship or loyalty, or love being a powerful shield against whatever might strike us through life. It tells of hope and dreams, of life and the inevitable death. It tells of grief and pain, of joy and tenderness, of suffering and sacrifice.
Nothing new. Obviously not.

These are the things why Harry Potter must be cherished – because it brought to light those values sometimes forgotten in the mayhem of modern life where virtual friends are at hand and families are estranged…
It tells of things that kept us going along centuries, preserved our life and made us different.
To that awesome difference we called Humanity.

And that was the real magic of Harry Potter.

domingo, 4 de setembro de 2011

Re-Fredding de-Fredded Fred

Sometime ago I saw this piece of fanfiction on Tumblr. There were lots of people saying that you should read it, so I decided to give it a try. It really caught my attention and I must say that the story itself it quite consistent with the books, and I thought it would be a good idea to share it.


This is a story about Fred’s de-Fredding and re-Fredding. So, if you want to read an alternative ending to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, go ahead, it is just a click away


Fox Ears, by The Starhorse


If you didn’t understand already what all that de- and re-Fredding means, just read the story and you will know of what I am talking about.

sábado, 3 de setembro de 2011

Pottermore: A Magical Experience

It is a new addition to the daily routine. Every morning I check my email to see if something important came up and after that I log in to Pottermore to see how many students are now at Hogwarts and what house has more house points.

Pottermore is definitely not Hogwarts, but it is a very good approximation. Everyone seems to fear which house he or she is going to be sorted. And if you look well into it, you can see several patterns in the people that are chosen to which houses.

But the purpose of this post is not analysing nor discussing the people that constitute each one of the four Hogwarts houses. The purpose of this post is to discuss the people on Pottermore in general.

All the people on Pottermore right now had to enter through the Magical Quill challenge, and many of them stood many nights woken up so that they could get in. So, if they are on Pottermore is because they really like Harry Potter, and are there to live the books again and see how it would be to be at Hogwarts.

When finally my account was activated and I could get into the site, I was sorted in Ravenclaw. And every morning since that day, when I check the house points, Ravenclaw has been in the lead. Except for a couple of days ago, when Slytherin started to catch up. Apparently, everyone on the Slytherin house seems to be really strong minded and they work day and night to win more house points. When turn the computer off at night Ravenclaw is winning, and in the morning, when I turn it on, Slytherin is winning.

So, I’m writing this as I am waiting for a potion to brew. It takes some time, between one and three hours. When you brew a potion correctly, you win five house points. The Wizard Duels are down right now, so the only way to win house points is to brew potions.

Taking a quick look at the comments panel in the Ravenclaw common room, we can see many people asking for ingredients for their potions and many people giving support. Reading those comments, writing comments back and getting replies (even if the most common form of reply is a “like”) makes me feel part of a real team, a real Ravenclaw team, where everyone is making efforts to not let Slytherin win the house cup. Everyone is brewing potions, and it is almost possible to feel the rush of the people working as a team to win more house points. It is absolutely fascinating. On the other hand it is also possible to see the efforts of the Slytherin people to win points, because each time Ravenclaw is on the lead, minutes later, Slytherin is already there…

It is completely amazing to see people from all around the world working together to achieve an end, even if it is something as simple as winning house points… and somehow, in the middle of all that, Hogwarts is there, and it exists. And at night, everyone wonders what the four hourglasses in the Great Hall will mark in the morning.

It’s amazing to see that, in spite of everything, Hogwarts is really there. It exists in the will of everyone to make it real…