I’ve recently entered the world of Tumblr and found out that there are many people who make different Harry Potter related graphics each day. Most of them are really good, and even between the ones that I find uninteresting there is none that I found really bad.
In the middle of everything I found a curious blog called Harry Potter confessions. Apparently there are several “something confessions” blogs (Castle confessions, Bones confessions, Merlin confessions, and so on…) but I must say that by far, the Harry Potter one is the most interesting.
So, what is this blog about after all? Well, as the tiltle says it, it is a place where you can confess something about Harry Potter, wether it is something you like, or that you don’t like, wether it is about the films or the books. It’s something personal you have to say about Harry Potter. Then, you can submit to the site and the authors will choose a picture of the films and make graphics of it. And don’t worry, all of the confessions are completely anonimous.
I actually found out that I related to many of the so called “confessions” said by many people around the world. I think that most of all you can see that you are not alone in your way of thinking.
So, here are some of my personal favourites:
I can’t say I relate very much to this one, but I really like it. I find really interesting that people can look at Hermione and try to be like her. I wish I could as well…
Not every confession is as personal as the first one I posted here, and many of them are about the way the story took in the books or films. I can’t help but agree with this one, even if I think that the killing of Bellatrix by Mrs. Weasley is perfect…
I completely agree with this one, although it doesn’t exacly “break my heart”. That’s a bit exagerated…
Well, and then there’s the funny ones…
I couldn’t help but laughing at this one… but I wouldn’t actually mind eat at Hogwarts… both the books and the films state that the food is wonderful… oh, and Ron also makes it appear that way…
And then there are the ones that love Voldemort…
Not that I agree with this one…
And then, there’s the eternal battle between those who think that Ron and Hermione were meant to be together since the very beginning and those who think that Hermione was meant for Harry.
A battle in which I won’t take any sides… For me any of the versions makes some sense…
There are also the same kind of “confessions” about Harry and Ginny… Lily and James or even Lily and Snape.
Then there’s Fred. There are a lot of things written about Fred. Most of them are wishes or reactions (and then, the wrong ones – the one on the right, for example).
I really think this to be an interesting project, and submissions are already closed due to the high volume of “confections” that are getting their way into the site everyday.
I’m now ending this post with two “confections” that I really identify with
and the one “confection” that surprised me the most